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Saturday 4 June 2011

The Boys (1998)

Director: Rowan Woods
Cast: David Wenham, Toni Collette, Lynette Curran, John Polson, Anthony Hayes, Jeanette Cronin, Anna Lise, Pete Smith

David plays the evil Brett, an ex-con who came back home to his family. He was released
on parole after twelve months serving a sentence of assault. Brett manipulated his family
and girlfriend, his performance is powerful, he is dominant and scary figure. When he
came back from jail he attempted to regain his position as the alpha mail in the family.
Brett girlfriend Michelle portrayed by Toni Collete who is willing to stand up and confront
the brutality of Brett and was accused by Brett that she cheated on him.

Glenn is the middle brother portrayed by John Palson who has a living partner Jackie.
Glenn was trying to be good with the help of his partner but Brett accused Jackie feeling
too good for them. Stevie is the youngest who has a pregnant girlfriend named Nola, who
feels uncomfortable and afraid of Brett. Glenn and Stevie can be easily led and bullied by
Brett. Lyn Curren who portrayed the boy’s mother, tried to keep her family in straight path
but failed. She is afraid and does not have power over Brett.

The film has a sense of fear and danger, Brett character looks really frightening, the
dialogues is brutally coarse that adds authenticity to the story. “The Boys” isn’t a great film,
the claustrophobic atmosphere was maintained through the film by not using long shots
they even slow the pace by using slow motion. but it is very good. Raw and nasty, it’s also
thoroughly depressing.


Film Threat (2011) The Boys [Online] Available at [Accessed 01 June 2011]

Nytimes (2011) The Boys [Online] Available at [Accessed 01 June 2011]

eFilm Critics (2011) The Boys [Online] Available at [Accessed 01 June 2011]

AV Club (2011) The Boys [Online] Available at,19828/ [Accessed 01 June 2011]

Festivale Movie Review (2009) The Boys [Online] Available at [Accessed 01 June 2011]

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